Privacy Policy

Last updated: July 18, 2024

At Sarva Casa, we are committed to providing you with clear information and meaningful control over the collection and use of your personal data. This Privacy Policy describes our practices regarding the processing of personal data collected through our websites, mobile applications, and any other online services where this Privacy Policy is accessible (collectively, our online services). It also describes how we handle personal data when you interact with us offline, such as when you visit our physical stores, communicate with our customer service team, or participate in our events.

In this context, personal data refers to information related to an identifiable person, as defined by applicable law.

Our adherence to this Privacy Policy complies with the laws applicable in the regions where we operate. Occasionally, we may issue additional terms related to specific products, services, or regions. These additional terms should be understood in conjunction with this Privacy Policy, while specific regional terms apply independently.

While we seek uniform application of privacy laws, certain terms, obligations, and rights may only be applicable or available to individuals in specific jurisdictions. The use of the term "right" in this Privacy Policy (and any supplement) does not imply or grant legal rights or remedies to any person or party, unless expressly established by applicable law.

Collection Notice

We recommend reading our full Privacy Policy. However, this Notice aims to provide you with a summary, at or before the time of personal data collection, of the categories of personal data we collect, the reasons for collection or use, and whether the personal data is "sold" or "shared" (as these words may be defined by privacy laws).

We hope this Notice serves as a valuable tool in deciding whether to interact with us or request limitations on certain uses of your personal data.

We collect the following types of personal data:

  • Contact and registration information
  • Order details and payment information
  • Purchase and service request records
  • Customer service communications
  • Internet and network activity information
  • Online identifiers (cookies and similar technologies)
  • Content shared on our public forums
  • Inferences reflecting interests and preferences

Personal data collected is used for the following purposes:

  • Provision of products and services you purchase or request
  • Response to your inquiries and provision of customer service
  • Operation and improvement of online services
  • Personalization of online content and experiences
  • Marketing and advertising activities
  • Maintenance of store security and prevention of illegal activities
  • Compliance with legal obligations

We retain personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes of collection unless the law requires or permits a longer retention period.

Request to Opt-Out of Specific Uses of Your Personal Data

We may share your personal data with third parties for purposes such as analysis and targeted advertising based on your interests and online activities. This information may be associated with your browser or device (using cookies and similar tracking technologies) and may be related to you if you have a customer account with us or interact with us in other ways. These third parties may use the data for their own marketing needs and to offer products and services through our online platforms.

Although we do not exchange your personal data for monetary value, some data uses could be considered a "sale" or "sharing" of personal information under relevant privacy laws.

To opt-out of these specific uses of your personal data, click on the "Your Privacy Choices" link located at the bottom of our websites and within our mobile applications in the Customer Service section.

More details about other privacy rights and options that may be available to you are found in the "Your Privacy Rights and Options" section of this Privacy Policy.

Types of Personal Information We Collect and Sources

The personal information we collect about you varies based on your interactions with us. This information generally comes from the data you provide, the data we generate, and the data we automatically collect through our online services, as well as data we obtain from other sources.

Please note that if you choose not to allow us to collect certain personal information, it may affect our ability to offer you specific products and services, or personalize these products and services according to your preferences.

Information You Provide Us

- Contact and registration information: This includes details you provide when purchasing, exchanging, or returning products, requesting services, creating a customer account, participating in a loyalty rewards program, redeeming promotions, or interacting with us for other products and services. This includes information such as your name, email address, phone number, billing and shipping address, clothing size and fit preferences, and other data you choose to provide.
- Transaction information: We collect details provided when you purchase, exchange, or return products, request services, or redeem promotions. We may supplement or combine information we already have about you. For example, we may identify your region to display product prices in your local currency and improve the accuracy of your shipping address.
- Communications information: We collect and record information and communication content you provide when you subscribe to marketing emails or messages, interact with us regarding customer service issues, or make other inquiries.
- Customer content: We collect data and content you provide or make available on our public forums (such as online message boards and social media interactions) and when you give product reviews, respond to surveys, or use features of our services that require the collection of certain personal information.

Information We Generate and Collect Automatically

- Internal customer identifiers and commercial information: We generate internal customer identifiers (such as a customer or account ID) to manage your transactions and relationships with us, and we collect commercial information such as records of products or services purchased, exchanged, or returned.
- Internet and network activity information: We use automated information technologies to collect certain internet and network activity information when you access or use our online services. This includes identifiers used to recognize you or a device over time and across different services, your interactions with our online services and advertisements, information about your computer or device, and precise location information when allowed.
- De-identified data: We may generate and use de-identified data, which cannot reasonably be used to identify you. This data is maintained and used only in de-identified form, and we will not attempt to re-identify such data except as permitted by applicable law.

For more information on the use of automated information technologies for targeted advertising and how you can opt-out of certain uses of your information, refer to the "Your Privacy Rights and Options" section of this Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect from Other Sources

We may also collect personal information about you from public sources and other sources, including:

- Service providers and contractors: These entities may collect personal information while processing data on our behalf for specific business purposes that we determine, either alone or jointly with other data controllers.
- Social media platforms and content distribution channels: When you interact with features provided by social media platforms on our online services or our content or advertisements on these platforms, we may receive information from the social media platforms, subject to their privacy settings and practices. Similarly, when you interact with our content, products, services, or advertisements on third-party sites, applications, or other media, we may obtain information from those third-party sources.
- Other third parties: We may receive information about internet and network activity, demographic information, and other details from third-party data providers who help us identify and learn more about you and other users of our online services. We may also collect information from third-party fraud prevention companies and companies offering their products and services on our online services or that offer products in a joint, sponsored, or promotional manner.
- Mobile application: If you use our mobile application, we may collect information about your location, device identifiers, and application usage. We may link this data with other information we have collected about you. This helps us provide a consistent experience across different devices and online services.

How We Use Personal Information

- Provide products and services: This includes processing transactions and payments, fulfilling orders, maintaining and servicing customer accounts, and providing promotions and other offers. We also use the information to improve and develop new products and services.
- Communicate with you: We use the information to respond to your inquiries, provide customer service and technical support, send you communications about your purchases and policy changes, and send you information about promotions, events, and other offers that we believe may interest you.
- Operate and improve online services: We use the information to operate, troubleshoot, improve, and develop new online services and features, and to understand how you and other users interact with our online services and advertisements.
- Personalize online content and experiences: We use the information to personalize online content, provide recommendations and reminders, and enhance your experience with our online services.
- Marketing and advertising: We use the information to develop, manage, and carry out advertising and marketing campaigns, and to analyze and measure the performance of our advertising and marketing efforts.
- Maintain security and combat illegal activities: We use the information to maintain security in our stores, prevent, detect, and investigate security incidents or activities that may violate our policies or be illegal, and ensure the security of our networks and information systems.
- Comply with legal obligations: We use the information to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations, protect our rights and the rights of others, and fulfill our corporate obligations.

For residents located outside the United States in certain jurisdictions, we may process your personal information based on the following justifications:

- Contractual obligations: We process your information to fulfill our contractual obligations, which include providing you with our online services, associated content, and communication channels. For example, when you make a purchase, we process your contact and payment information to fulfill our business commitments, communicate about your purchases and requested services, and provide the customer service you require. Failure to provide the requested information may impede or delay the execution of these contractual obligations.
- Legitimate interests: We process your information to serve our legitimate interests, which include providing you with our online services, other products and services, communication, and for our marketing and advertising purposes. These legitimate interests may include improving and understanding your interaction with our online services and, where appropriate, sending

you communications about products and services that may interest you. To fulfill these legitimate interests, we may share your information with other parties, including for marketing and advertising purposes. We maintain safeguards to ensure the security of the information processed in pursuit of these legitimate interests.
- Legal obligations and protection of rights: We process and share your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations and protect our rights and the rights of others. For example, we may need to collect specific information when processing your purchase and payment information for tax compliance, regulatory compliance, or financial reporting.
- Consent: If we obtain your consent to process your information, you can withdraw this consent at any time (generally through the same method by which you provided your consent). If you have questions about the process for withdrawing consent, contact us using the address relevant to your area provided in the "Contact Us" section of this Privacy Policy.

Disclosure of Personal Information and Recipients

We may disclose or share the types of personal information we collect with the following entities:

- Our brands and subsidiaries: We may share your information with our brands and subsidiaries to provide our products and services and for other purposes detailed in this Privacy Policy.
- Service providers and contractors: These entities may process personal information on our behalf for specific business purposes that we determine, either alone or jointly with other data controllers. Examples include processing payment transactions, distributing communications, operating online communication services, managing offers and promotions, and providing services for order fulfillment, logistics, data analysis, information technology, and cloud-based services, and fraud prevention.
- Advertising and marketing providers: We may share your data with advertising and marketing entities that help us create, deliver, and evaluate our advertising and marketing campaigns and better understand you and other users of our online services.

Please review the "Your Privacy Rights and Options" section of this Privacy Policy for more details on how we may share information for targeted advertising and how you can opt-out.

- Social media platforms: If you interact with social media widgets or share content using social media sharing buttons on our online services, the relevant social media platforms may collect or have access to your personal information. We are not responsible for their privacy policies.
- Participants in public forums or the general public: If you participate in our public forums, you may choose to make your personal information available to other participants or the public. This may include your opinions, comments, goals, and sensitive personal information.
- Non-profit groups and programs: If you participate in third-party non-profit programs, we may provide your information to the program providers, administrators, and others as required by the programs.
- Other third parties: We may share your information with third-party companies that we allow to offer their products and services on our online services, or that offer products in a joint, sponsored, or promotional manner.
- Parties you direct us to share information with: We may share your information with third parties with your consent or request.
- Others when required by law or to protect our rights: We may share your information to comply with the law, legal process, or applicable industry standards, and to protect our legal rights.
- Parties involved in corporate transactions: We reserve the right to transfer any information we have about you in the event of the sale or transfer of all or part of our business or assets to a third party, such as in the case of a merger, acquisition, or other disposition, or in connection with a reorganization, dissolution, or bankruptcy liquidation.

Your Privacy Rights and Options

Depending on your location and subject to legal limitations, the applicable laws in your jurisdiction may grant you certain privacy requests. Regardless of your location, we allow you to make the same requests and will take reasonable steps to comply with them.

You can request to:

- Know: Obtain a copy of the personal information we have collected about you.
- Delete: Ask us to delete the personal information we have collected about you.
- Correct: Request that we correct inaccurate information about you.
- Opt-out: Opt-out of sharing certain personal information with other parties for targeted advertising.

How to Make a Request to Know, Delete, or Correct:

You can email us at for privacy matters. To fulfill your request, we may need to verify your identity. We will send you an email with a link to confirm your email address, and we may request additional information solely for identity verification purposes.

Upon receiving a request from you, please follow the instructions provided in the communications sent by our online customer service, including accessing the compliance status and other information related to your request.

Authorized agents can make a request on your behalf using the Privacy Request Form, but they must provide written proof of your signed permission to submit the request.

Opt-out of Sharing for Targeted Advertising:

We may share personal information with other parties to provide analytics services and display advertisements on our behalf, targeted to your interests and based on your online activities. Although we do not exchange personal information for money, certain uses may be considered a "sale" or "sharing" of personal information under applicable privacy laws.

To opt-out of these uses of your personal information, visit the "Your Privacy Choices" link located at the bottom of our websites and within our mobile applications under Customer Service. Use our Privacy Preferences Page and Web Form to indicate your preference.

Please Remember:

- Opt-out tools are specific to the browser or device you use. If you are not logged into your customer account or do not have a customer account, you will need to opt-out on each browser and device you use.
- Even after opting out, you may still see online ads, but they will not be based on your inferred interests.
- Deleting your browser cookies and cache may remove opt-out preferences, requiring you to opt-out again.
- While we use necessary cookies for our site operations, you can disable them through your browser settings, which may affect site functionality.
- You can control targeted ads you receive on applications using the settings and options provided by your device manufacturer.
- Learn more about controlling targeted advertising at the Digital Advertising Alliance ( and the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (

We strive to comply with requests within the timeframes established by applicable law, which may take up to 30 or 45 days depending on your location.

Reasons for Denying a Request and Exceptions

Your request may be denied if we cannot verify your identity. One way we verify your identity is by confirming your email address. If you do not respond promptly to our request to confirm your email address or provide other requested information necessary to verify your identity or process your request, we may deny your request.

If you request the deletion of your personal information, we may not be able to delete certain data if it is required to process your purchases, fulfill your orders (including returns or exchanges), or provide requested services.

We may not be able to fulfill your request if it restricts our ability to comply with applicable law (such as cooperating with law enforcement) or our regulatory obligations (such as maintaining records of your requests and preferences).

We may also deny your request if, in good faith, we believe the information is necessary to exercise or defend a legal claim, or protect our operations and property, or the privacy, security, and property of others.

If we deny your request, you may appeal our decision by writing to us using the contact details provided in the "Contact Us" section of this Privacy Policy. If you have concerns about the results of an appeal, you can contact the supervisory authority in your area.


We do not discriminate against anyone for exercising their privacy rights or making requests.

Automated Individual Decision-Making:

We do not make decisions about you based solely on the automated processing of your personal information, including profiling, that produces legal effects or significantly affects you unless it is necessary to enter into or perform a contract with you based on your explicit consent or as authorized by applicable law.

Email Marketing:

You can opt-out of receiving marketing or promotional emails by clicking the "unsubscribe" link in such emails. Note that even if you opt-out of marketing or promotional emails, we may still send you transactional communications, such as those related to your purchases or loyalty rewards program.

Text Message Marketing:

You can opt-out of receiving marketing or promotional text messages by sending a message with the word "STOP" to the number provided in the text message or following the instructions provided when you opted to receive text messages. If you have signed up to receive messages from more than one list, you will need to opt-out of each list separately.

Joint, Sponsored, or Cross-Promotional Offers:

If you choose to participate in a joint, sponsored, or cross-promotional offer, the brand, sponsor, or other third party involved may use your information for their purposes, including advertising and marketing. You should contact the relevant third party directly to exercise your opt-out choices regarding their use of your information.

Push Notifications:

If an online service enables push notifications on your device, you can review and update your push notification preferences by adjusting the settings provided by your device manufacturer. Disabling may not apply to our in-app notifications and alerts.

Sensitive Personal Information

We do not use or disclose sensitive personal information unless it is necessary to provide the goods or execute the services you have requested (such as processing or fulfilling orders and transactions), with your explicit consent, or as authorized by applicable law (such as to prevent, detect, and investigate security incidents, ensure physical security, and display non-personalized advertising as part of your current interaction with us). We do not use or disclose sensitive personal information to infer characteristics about you.

Children's Privacy

We do not knowingly collect personal information directly from children under 13 years old (or 16 years old in the UK or the European Union) without parental consent. Our online services are designed for a general audience and are not directed or intended for use specifically by children.

Retention of Personal Information

We retain personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected unless applicable law requires or permits a longer retention period.

Data Transfers

Our operations and providers are located in the United States, Canada, and other countries, meaning we may transfer, store, or access your personal information in jurisdictions that may not provide equivalent data protection levels to your home jurisdiction. We ensure adequate protection for the transfer of personal information in accordance with applicable law, such as obtaining your consent, establishing contractual obligations with our service providers and third parties, relying on the European Commission's adequacy decisions, or implementing Standard Contractual Clauses. As permitted by applicable law, you may request a copy of these Standard Contractual Clauses by contacting our UK and EU representative mentioned in the "Contact Us" section of this Privacy Policy.

Protection of Information

Our goal is to ensure safe and convenient experiences when you interact with us. To protect your personal information, we implement technical and organizational measures. Note that we will never send you an email requesting personal information such as your account access credentials, date of birth, or credit card information. Additionally, we will never send emails with attachments that can be opened. If you receive a suspicious email appearing to come from us, contact us as indicated in the "Contact Us" section of this Privacy Policy.

Third-Party Sites and Platforms

When you submit information through sites, applications, and other platforms operated by third parties, the information may also be collected separately by these third-party operators. Additionally, our content, products, services, or advertisements may be available on third-party content distribution channels. The information we collect is governed by this Privacy Policy, while the data collected by third-party operators is subject to their respective privacy policies. The privacy preferences you set on third-party sites, applications, platforms, or content distribution channels do not apply to our use of the information collected directly through our online services. Note that our online services may contain links to other sites and platforms outside of our control. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these sites and platforms. We recommend reading the privacy policies of all third parties that may apply when you leave our online services.

Policy Revisions and Updates

We may periodically revise and update this Privacy Policy, and we encourage you to review it regularly. If we make changes, we will inform you by updating the date at the top of the policy. If we make significant changes, we will provide additional notice, such as placing a statement on the homepages of our websites or sending you a notification.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our information practices, you can write to us at:

Privacy Requests
Niksun Electro-Infra Private Limited
S no. 1/2/2, laxmi nagar, pimple gurav, 411061 Pune MH, India
You can email us at or
Call us at +34 614151941 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST (Monday to Friday)